"I was once there and failed by doctor after doctor. So I became a Doctor - Figured It Out - And Overcame It! And now I am going to show you how!"
  • Are you a woman struggling with low thyroid despite taking thyroid hormones and your doctor telling you everything is “normal”? 
  • Have radical diets, impossible exercise routines, and natural remedies failed you? 
  • ​Are you tired of everyone looking at you like it’s all in your head?

Attend the Live Webinar, HOW WOMEN ARE OVERCOMING LOW THYROID, where you will learn how to:

  • Lose weight without radical diets & exercise programs so you can feel confident and comfortable in your clothes again, which means you get to have healthier relationships.
  • Increase your energy so you can be more productive, which means you get more done and have more time for yourself.
  • ​Overcome depression and anxiety so you can feel in control again, which means you have more patience for your family.

Dr. Candice Hall, DC 

Dr. Candice Hall, DC is especially passionate about helping  women overcome persistent low thyroid symptoms.

Thursday, June 30th

12:00PM MDT

Limited Spots

available for this FREE webinar...
If you suffer from the persistent symptoms of Low Thyroid or have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's you are not alone. 
Our team focuses on getting to the real cause of your problem so you can be treated like an individual.

In the LIVE webinar you'll learn about:
  • The #1 cause of low thyroid that many doctors never check
  • New research, science, and effective treatments
  • ​The Thyroid-Biotoxin Connection that’s likely keeping you sick
  • ​Why TSH is essentially a useless lab marker
  • ​What Synthroid (thyroid hormones) actually does to your body
  • ​Why your TSH is “normal” yet you still have every thyroid symptom in the book
If you have:
    • Weight issues
    • ​Inability to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
    • ​Life-altering fatigue
    • ​Brain Fog
    • ​Depression
    • Anxiety
    • ​Unexplained Pain
    • A Menstrual Cycle From Hell
    • ​Menopausal Symptoms
    • ​Infertility
    • ​Constipation
    • ​A Medicine Cabinet Full Of Drugs and Supplements That Don’t Help
    Then you won’t want to miss this Live Webinar:

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    This site is for informational purposes only. The information has not been evaluated by the FDA and should not be used as personal health advice. The statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, reverse, or cure any disease. The information is not intended to replace or delay prescription medication.